News Update 5/2019: C3S on tour
The last weeks have been relatively eventful for the C3S beyond the Barcamp and the General Assemblies and it is therefore worth documenting our activities in a News Update.
DPMA Symposium
At the end of May, our Board members Johanna and Julian attended a symposium organized by the German Patent and Trademark Office on questions of the remuneration system for legally permitted uses.

Julian und Johanna vor dem DPMA
The reason for the symposium is a statement in the GroKo coalition agreement: “We want to put the system of remuneration for legally permitted uses on a new footing by including modern forms of use and determining the remuneration to be paid to authors and beneficiaries of ancillary copyright in an efficient, predictable and timely manner. Wherever possible, the remuneration should be collected directly from the utilizing institution. We aim to transfer the current time-consuming arbitration procedure into a faster decision-making process.”
Of course, this is completely up to our line and so we were present to talk shop with the assembled experts.
Meik at the Medientagen Mitteldeutschland, re:publika, and European Public Sphere
Parallel to the symposium, Meik, our managing director responsible for public relations, took part in a panel discussion at the Medientage Mitteldeutschland on the topic of ‘sustainable collecting society’, which is perhaps rather something for the media law specialist audience. Anyone who is more interested in a discussion under the aspect of ‘cooperatives in the music industry’, should take a closer look at the discussion Prospects to Shift Paradigms at re:publika, where Resonate is presented in addition to the C3S. A panel discussion under the dome of the European Public Sphere, in which Meik and Axel Voss, the former rapporteur on the EU copyright reform, took part, was more controversial. We are still eagerly awaiting the publication of the video footage on Youtube.
BMBF Grant
One very good news is that the cleaning of the door handles of our fundraising working group is bearing fruit: Since last week it is official that our team of developers has received a grant from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, which was mediated through the Prototypefund project. The support is aimed at independent developers who write Open Source software that is oriented towards the common good.
From the application: “We would like to offer a publicly accessible API with which licensees can obtain low-threshold access to license information for musical works in a reliable, unbureaucratic, small-scale and secure manner, whereby these can also be licensed for various uses (e.g. streaming) at the same time if required”.
The maximum funding amount is 47,500 € and we are in with our complete development team: Alex, Christoph, Sarah, Thomas, and Udo. We are planning a cooperation within the Open Music Initiative. The funding period is September 2019 to February 2020. More about the project can be found here.